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印度巴哈蒂尔大学Rakkiyappan Rajan 教授来校作学术报告

2019年06月20日 15:29 电气信息学院、国际交流与合作处 点击:[]

本网讯(通讯员朱丽娜)6月14日上午,应我校国际交流与合作处和电气信息学院的邀请,印度巴哈蒂尔大学(Bharathiar University)Rakkiyappan Rajan教授为我校师生作了题为“Hopf bifurcation of a fractional-orderOctonion-valuedNeural Networkswith time delays”的学术报告。报告会由电气信息学院副院长李自成教授主持,电气信息学院教师、研究生及高年级本科生近百人参加了本次学术报告会。

Rakkiyappan Rajan教授从分数阶微积分和八元数神经网络两个方面入手,介绍了一类新型的分数阶八元数延迟神经网络。将此系统分解为四维复值神经网络,一方面将时滞作为分叉参数首次分析了系统的霍普夫分叉行为,另一方面给出了系统不稳定时分叉行为出现的充分判据。最后通过数值仿真验证了所得理论判据的正确性。此类系统的相关动力学行为的研究,为八元数在弦理论、狭义相对论和量子逻辑等方面的应用提供了理论支撑。

报告结束后,Rakkiyappan Rajan教授与师生们进行了深入的讨论与交流,热情地回答了师生们的提问,现场气氛活跃。

Rakkiyappan Rajan教授简历:

Rakkiyappan Rajan was an undergraduate student in the field of Mathematics during1999–2002 from Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Scienceand a post graduate in Mathematics from PSG College of Arts and Scienceaffiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India from2002–2004. He was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy in the year 2011 from theDepartment of Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu,India. Presently, he is with Department of Mathematics, Bharathiar University,Coimbatore as an working as an Assistant Professor. He has visited as aResearch Professor the Research Center for Wind Energy Systems, Kunsan NationalUniversity, 558 Daehak-ro, Gunsan-si 54150, Republic. of Korea from June-2017to May-2018. His research interests include stochastic and impulsive systems,neural networks, complex systems, and fractional order systems. To his credit,he has published more than 100 papers in international journals.


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