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    作者:凌晨   资料来源:国际学院    发布时间:2021-10-29   浏览次数:

           本网讯(通讯员 凌晨)10月27日上午澳大利亚新南威尔士大学海外留学项目招生主管Helen XIAO女士来访,同国际交流与合作处领导共叙两校情谊,深入洽谈中澳双方联合培养国际硕士项目,并于当天中午在文科楼313学术报告厅出席《武汉工程大学与新南威尔士大学“3+1+X”项目推介会》,向与会同学详解中澳联培教育项目优势及特色并回答大家咨询提问。

           在洽谈会上,国际处处长彭石玉向Helen XIAO女士简要介绍了我校最新的科研教学水平提升动态,很高兴两校于2020年5月签署《合作协议》之后在《US News 2022世界大学排行榜》中都有所进步,感谢世界知名学府新南威尔士大学为我校学子带来本硕联培优质教育项目,相信在双方共同努力下,能培养出更多学业专精、能力出众的国际化人才。

           Helen XIAO女士对于我校重视国际交流与合作、持续为学生拓展进修路径表示欣喜,也代表澳方表示希望能为我校学子给予更专业、更便捷的学习指导,随着新南威尔士大学国际化综合办学水平的持续提升,定能为学科门类日益丰富的武汉工程大学提供更加适配的合作方案。

          在项目推介会上,Helen XIAO女士从新南威尔士大学的国际排名、学科优势、本硕联培项目特色等方面为与会的百名同学进行了详细介绍,重点说明了该校为我校项目生提供的专项指导和优惠,鼓励大家在完成好武汉工程大学校内专业课程学习、提升英语水平的同时,积极申请参加项目,争取以优异成绩申领到该校国际生奖学金,早日赴澳留学。会后,XIAO女士对若干具有项目申请资格的同学进行了面试。

           武汉工程大学持续与外国知名高水平学府积极合作,以中外国际学术科研协议签约为起点,逐步落实合作条款,切实为学校师生搭建沟通交流、教育教学、科学研究等领域的合作平台。(审稿 彭石玉)

    Australia UNSW Visited WIT For Master Programme

    by Mark, LING CHEN

    Department of International Exchangeand Cooperation

    Ms. Helen XIAO, the Future Students Manager, UNSW, Australia, visited WIT on October 27 morning to carry out the cooperative master programme between two universities, and made a presentation about the programme application and enrollment for WIT undergraduates.

    Mr. PENG Shi-yu, director of International Relations Department, welcomed Ms. XIAO for programme implementation, hoping more and more qualified WIT students would study in Australia for master degrees to enhance the academic collaboration between WIT and UNSW.

    Ms. XIAO praised the efforts ofAgreementsigned from both parties since 2020, and believed the relationship and friendship would benefit the two universities in the aspects of teaching to students, short-term academic tour and etc.

    About a hundred of undergraduates participated the promotion of UNSW master programme, being told with the detailed introduction to UNSW’s international ranking, top-level disciplines/programs, and joint programme with WIT. Ms. XIAO got impressed of the academic marks and English proficiency of several applicants through the interviews following.

    Starting from the student programme, the cooperation is expected to expand to leaders’visit, teachers’ exchange, and joint scientific researches between WIT and UNSW. (Editor PENG Shi-yu)